News about open_data on 2021-08-09
China uses Rebekah Jones conspiracies to criticize DeSantis and spread COVID - 19 lies
A row has broken out between a former Florida health department employee and China’s government over claims that the state was causing public concern over Covid-19 infections in the US state of Wuhan, China has warned against their claims.
Published on 2021-08-09
Essex launches pioneering free data science course for all its students
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Published on 2021-08-09
FB makes data portability more seamless for billions of users
Facebook has updated its data portability tool to make it more easier for users to transfer their data to other services, including Facebook Events and Photobucket. The company has said it's making it "more seamless" for people to use the social network.
Published on 2021-08-09
How digital transformation can turn every company into a health business
In our series of letters from African journalists, scientists and academics from around the world, the British Medical Association (MITN) has been speaking to the BBC about the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on healthcare in the UK and the global economy.
Published on 2021-08-09
Interference on SAR imagery offers tool for OSINT analysis
Two European satellites have been able to capture the Earth every six days, according to the European Union's space agency (OSint) analysts' latest findings published in the New York Times on Wednesday. They appear to have taken a major step forward.
Published on 2021-08-09
Open Compute Project to design open silicon and optics in Strategy 2 . 0
Facebook has announced plans to share its hardware and data centre infrastructure designs to work at hyperscalers in a bid to make it more efficient and easier for us to reach the obscene scale of the world's largest computing giant, the Open Compute Project.
Published on 2021-08-09
Salesforce united kingdom public sector chief on the impact of COVID - 19 and what comes next
There are clear lessons that have been learned for the UK's public sector, writes the former chief executive of the Department for Public Services, Chris Stokel-Walker, in a series of letters from the BBC. Here, he explains what it looks like.
Published on 2021-08-09
What impact could tackling the climate crisis have on your wallet ?
When it comes to energy savings, changing our wallets could have a huge impact on our finances and financial stability, writes the BBC’s Chris Stokel-Walker Financial Advisory Unit (CBI) .
Published on 2021-08-09
YouID is the future of biometric identification Dr . Gbenga Odegbami , CEO of Youverify
Identity and access management is a key part of our everyday lives, according to the latest digital identity wallet app Youverify, launched in October this year in the capital, Abuja, on Monday, and released on Google and Apple Stores.
Published on 2021-08-09