News about open_data on 2022-10-01

Australian police : Hacker concealed ID in privacy breach
Australian police have launched an international investigation into a cyber attack on the Optus wireless carrier, which claimed more than 10 million people’s personal data was stolen. The government says it is looking at the damages to those whose personal information has been compromised.
Published on 2022-10-01

Bullion Cues : Bears pulling the strings - The Hindu BusinessLine
Gold and silver shares have continued to rise as the dollar slumped, according to latest figures from the World Gold Council (WGC), which shows that the central bank's buying of gold in August has fallen to more than 20 tonnes.
Published on 2022-10-01

Candidates for sheriff square off at community forum
Two former California police chiefs have clashed over the fate of their county's sheriffs during a Zoom debate aimed at finding out if they would be the best candidate for the new Chief Constable of California.
Published on 2022-10-01

FBI Joins Australian Hunt for Data Hackers - New Delhi Times - India Only International Newspaper
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Published on 2022-10-01

Peru climbed 12 places in the Global Digitalisation Index
Peru has been ranked as one of the world’s leading countries in the latest UN Digital Government Development Index, according to a UN report. According to the United Nations, Peru is among the countries with the most open data available in public sectors, and the number of places is at number one.
Published on 2022-10-01

Police say hacker concealed ID in Australian privacy breach - New Delhi Times - India Only International Newspaper
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Published on 2022-10-01

The biggest hack in history : Australians scramble to change passports and driver licences after Optus telco data debacle
Australians have been exposed to the risk of identity theft and financial fraud, according to a new report from the BBC’s weekly The Boss. The BBC spoke to Amy Hunting, who was caught up in one of the biggest cyber attacks in the country's history.
Published on 2022-10-01

The Need to Reboot Small Business Lending in the United Kingdom
Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) have been undergoing a systemic transformation, according to new figures. But what is the impact on the economy and how is it affecting their growth? The BBC's weekly The Boss series profiles different business leaders from around the world.
Published on 2022-10-01

Who Puts a Price on Carbon ?
Scientists have published a new estimate of the cost of carbon in the UK, which could increase the amount of greenhouse gases being used to fuel extraction and recycling. They have also revealed how climate change is affecting the environment.
Published on 2022-10-01