News about open_data on 2023-01-07

Alien Spacecraft in the Solar System , Extraterrestrial Artifacts on Earth , and an Astrophysicist
In our series of letters from African journalists, novelist and writer Adaobi Tricia Nwaubani looks at why UFOs and aliens are visiting our planet, and how they might be able to explain these myths to the public.
Published on 2023-01-07

Big tech targets bond market for cash to buy back sinking stocks
The tech sector is expected to avoid a massive sell-off of shares as investors struggle to borrow more to buy back stocks, according to researchers and analysts. They could also raise funds for acquisitions and maturing debt.
Published on 2023-01-07

How S . F . Adopt - a - Drain program keeps city above water | Weather
A selection of the islands which have been affected by the coronavirus outbreak. This is a list of areas where they are based in the United States of America and their neighbourhoods. Each of them includes the country's main territory.
Published on 2023-01-07

Sen . Coons wants in on the Delaware # opendata convo
When it comes to open data in Delaware, it’s not often that the senator is onboard with it. But what does it mean for people in the first state of the United States, asks Tom de Castella, a former chief executive.
Published on 2023-01-07

Slack Discloses Breach of Its Github Code Repository
Twitter has launched a new anti-censorship tool that it hopes will help people in Iran to avoid government-enforced blocks on the messaging platform.The company is launching their new Anti-Census tool, which is being used to help citizens in the Iran.
Published on 2023-01-07

tech stocks : Big tech targets bond market for cash to buy back sinking stocks
The tech industry is expected to be able to borrow more to help return money to shareholders as the sector continues to bolster its balance sheets, according to reports from the Bloomberg Financial Times newspaper. These could be the biggest sell off in a decade.
Published on 2023-01-07