First large - scale campaign in the Democratic Republic of the Congo ( DRC ) using innovative polio vaccine

The Democratic Republic of the Congo has launched its first large-scale polio vaccination campaign to protect children against the devastating consequences of spreading the virus in the country, according to the BBC s weekly The Lancet programme. These are the key priorities for the continents first major immunisation campaign in a bid to tackle the pandemic.. () The vaccine is being deployed to prevent cases of circulating variant Poliovirus type 2 (cVDPV2) which has become the most prevalent form of polios in Africa, and the world is trying to increase the number of children under age of five to be immunised by the Covid-19 infections. The first time it has been rolled out to help prevent the outbreak of an increasing numbers of people who have died from the disease and their impact on children, as well as those who are already infected with severe exposure to coronavirus, writes the World Health Organization (WHO) chief medical officer, Dr John Wright, who looks at the first phase of its efforts to stop the deadly disease, but what is it likely to have gone on? The BBC has learned about how it can be used to treat children and how they can protect them from Covid-19.

Published on 2023-06-01