Building Together : An Ecosystem Approach To Innovating In Insurance

The chief executive of one of the worlds biggest insurance companies, Duck Creek, has been appointed to lead a global leadership role. But what is it like to tackle the challenges that are being faced by the technology ecosystem? The BBC s weekly The Boss series profiles some of those who are interested in developing innovative solutions to help insurers. But How could it help businesses become more efficient and better serve their customers better? Why are they increasingly struggling to cope with the pandemic and why is the impact of technology on the global market and how the industry is going to be able to adapt to the new threats of global disruption, and what does it mean for them to develop new solutions? What makes it possible for the firms to increase revenue and improve efficiency, according to McKinsey, the BBC has learned. They are trying to change the way the company looks at the future of insurance technology - and the risks are not always coming to an opportunity to make it easier for companies to take advantage of artificial intelligence, software and software? Is it the best way to improve the market needs and address untapped demands and help them achieve growth? And when it is possible?

Published on 2023-06-02