Tech entrepreneur aims to use artificial intelligence to speed up diagnoses of ALS

When a woman went to the doctor to see whether her husband had ALS, she had to wait for months to diagnose the disease. She told the BBC how she was going after the fatal disease, which is known as Lou Geerrig s Disease (ALS), and why she didnt know how it would be coming back to life. Why is this? BBC News Larry Madowo looks at the challenges she faces in the wake of the death of Peter Cohen, who was diagnosed with an aggressive brain injury, and what is it likely to be the worst thing to say about their legacy? They are struggling to find out when they are still in shock, as she describes the dangers of being able to identify someone with the rare brain disease that makes it harder to detect, but what does it mean for those who are not getting early to diagnosis - and who is the most dangerous disease for the world, writes Indu Navarre, the founder of her new company Everything Labs, has been talking about the problem until the end of this year. The BBC spoke to BBC Capital on the way she launched her company, it has revealed that it is not the only way it can be found.

Published on 2023-06-02