Global Fishing Watch Receives $60 Million Funding to Map and Monitor Industrial Activity at Sea

Published: 2023-06-08

Global Fishing Watch, a nonprofit organization dedicated to ocean conservation, has received a $60 million commitment from The Audacious Project. This funding will be used to map and monitor all industrial activity at sea, including over one million ocean-going vessels and fixed infrastructure. By leveraging open data and emerging technology, Global Fishing Watch aims to revolutionize global ocean management and make this knowledge freely available to the world.

The goal of this initiative is to provide transparency in ocean governance and protect marine ecosystems. With the use of AI and satellite data, Global Fishing Watch will create a dynamic map of all industrial activity at sea. This will enable governments and institutions to better manage their waters and promote sustainable practices.

In addition to mapping industrial activity, Global Fishing Watch also aims to combat illegal fishing. By publicly sharing data on fishing vessels, the organization hopes to deter illegal practices and protect the livelihoods of coastal communities that depend on sustainable fishing.

This commitment to open data and transparency extends beyond ocean conservation. A group of 50 leading scientists has developed an open data platform called the Indicators of Global Climate Change. This platform will provide annual updates on key climate indicators, allowing policymakers and civil society groups to make informed decisions.

The urgency of addressing climate change is evident in the findings of the scientists' study. Human-induced warming has averaged 1.14°C over the last decade, with record levels of greenhouse gas emissions. The remaining carbon budget, which determines how much carbon dioxide can be emitted to limit global warming to 1.5°C, has halved in the past three years.

To limit global temperature rise to 1.5°C, urgent action is needed to reduce emissions. The scientists' open data platform will provide the up-to-date scientific evidence necessary for informed decision-making.

This focus on open data and transparency is crucial in addressing the challenges of our time. A new report by scientists highlights that greenhouse gas emissions are at an all-time high, leading to a warming rate of over 0.2°C per decade. The report emphasizes the need for trusted indicators of global climate change to inform climate action.

In the realm of technology, open data is also driving innovation. Jill Berry, co-founder and CEO of Adatree, shares her insights on trends in the regtech and open data space. She advises startups to focus on profitability and revenue, as investors are now looking for a clear business plan. Berry also highlights the value of government grants and the increasing trend of partnerships in the industry.

The importance of open data extends beyond climate change and technology. The University of Waterloo’s WAMPUM Lab has partnered with the Collaboratory for Indigenous Data Governance to develop a report for the United Nations. This report emphasizes the need for global digital equity and the incorporation of Indigenous knowledge and culture in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

Open data has the power to transform our world. From ocean conservation to climate change and technology, the transparency and accessibility of data are driving positive change. By providing open data and promoting transparency, organizations and individuals are working towards a better future for all.

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