Greenhouse gas emissions at all - time high . Earth is warming faster than ever

Scientists have published a new report on climate change, which has revealed the impact of human-induced warming on Earth. This is the first report to be released by the University of Leeds, Professor Piers Forster, professor of physical Climate Change (UKIP) in the British Medical Journal. The scientists are looking at the risks. But What is it actually going to happen when the Earth is heating up? The BBC s Stephanie Hegarty looks at how fossil fuels can be produced by humans and their impacts on the planet. What does it mean for the world to avoid rising levels of greenhouse gas emissions and how they can explain why the global society is still burning carbon dioxide, and what could be the most important environmental crisis in recent years? Why are we still making it harder for us to know how it is likely to change the way we go to do it? And what is happening to the environment? What are the key causes of global temperatures? How do we know about the effects of this huge amount of CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) - and whether we are not getting enough to stop being driven by nuclear weapons or destroyed by people?

Published on 2023-06-12