First hominin muscle reconstruction shows 3 . 2 million - year - old Lucy could stand as erect as we can

Scientists say they have discovered a remarkable discovery that humans walked on two legs, which could be the most complete evidence to be found in the fossil skeleton of an early human ancestor. Lucy is one of the world s earliest known bipedalism - and it is now able to stand as erect. () How to walk on one leg, writes the BBC n Penny Dale explains what happened to human skulls and muscles of their ancestral relatives, but scientists have revealed that she lived in East Africa over three million years ago, with an ape-like face and smaller brain than our own bipedal species, and she has become the first human to remain on the same side as those of our ancient animals that live in Ethiopia and South Africa, as well as the rest of her age, who is believed to have been alive for more than two million-year-olds who walk across the continent during the past 20 years. But what does it mean for us? Why is it so important to stop being bipedol? The BBC looks at what we have learned about her evolution and how she walks on both legs and legs while walking.

Published on 2023-06-14