Legal Challenges in AI, Internet Accessibility During Elections, and More: The Latest in Open Data News

Published: 2023-06-23

In today’s news, we bring you updates on the world of open data and its impact on various aspects of our lives. From legal issues surrounding AI models and datasets to the importance of internet accessibility during elections, there is much to discuss.

Let’s start with the legal challenges faced by free software and open source licenses in the context of AI models and datasets. While these licenses were originally designed for code, they are not always suitable for the complex nature of AI systems. Recently, Microsoft, OpenAI, and GitHub faced a lawsuit alleging the unauthorized use of open source code in AI models. This highlights the need for clear guidelines and licensing principles that align with the objectives of the tech community. The Open Source Initiative and other organizations are working towards defining these principles, ensuring transparency and accountability in the AI space.

Speaking of transparency, the #KeepItOn coalition has written an urgent appeal to President Julius Maada Bio of Sierra Leone. The coalition emphasizes the importance of keeping the internet open, secure, and accessible during the upcoming general election. They highlight that the internet and social media platforms play a crucial role in promoting participatory governance, transparency, and the enjoyment of fundamental human rights. Internet shutdowns not only violate these rights but also hinder the flow of information and exacerbate crises. The coalition calls on the government to respect international laws and for telecommunications companies to provide unrestricted internet access.

Moving on to local news, the city council of Winnipeg has approved new measures to address the issue of vacant and derelict buildings. These buildings often attract squatting, arson, and other crimes, posing a threat to the community. The changes include higher security standards for such buildings, additional inspections by bylaw enforcement officers, and a streamlined demolition permit process. The city council also plans to list non-compliant and problematic vacant buildings on the city’s open data portal, promoting transparency and accountability.

In other news, Google CEO Sundar Pichai has pledged a $20 million donation to support and expand the Consortium of Cybersecurity Clinics. This initiative aims to introduce students to potential careers in cybersecurity while also helping defend small government offices, rural hospitals, and nonprofits from hacking. Pichai’s donation addresses the rising number of cyberattacks and the lack of trained candidates to combat them. Google has also launched the Google Cybersecurity Certificate program and partnered with universities to create learning and career opportunities in the cybersecurity sector.

Finally, let’s take a moment to appreciate the diversity and interconnectedness of our world. From the names of various states, postal codes, and countries, we are reminded of the vastness and richness of our global community. Open data plays a crucial role in making this information accessible and usable for everyone.

In conclusion, open data continues to shape our world in various ways. From legal challenges in the AI space to the importance of internet accessibility during elections, transparency and accountability are at the forefront. As we navigate these issues, it is essential to remember the core principles of the open source movement and apply them to new technologies and systems. By doing so, we can create a more inclusive and knowledgeable society for generations to come.

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