Geelong Data Exchange Expands to Include Major Projects Data for Evidence-Based Decision-Making and Planning

Published: 2023-06-27

The City of Greater Geelong is taking a major step towards transparency and accessibility by expanding its Geelong Data Exchange. This platform now includes data on all major projects in the region, providing valuable insights for decision-making and planning. With nearly 200 projects worth $20.6 billion, this data can be used for research, evidence-based decisions, and creating business cases. The City’s commitment to privacy and strict data governance rules ensures that the information is handled responsibly. By including new data, the City aims to facilitate collaborative decision-making and contribute to the region’s Clever and Creative vision.

In the realm of air quality monitoring, some manufacturers are increasing costs for customers through proprietary sensor modules and locking customers into their ecosystem. This not only limits data sharing but also raises concerns about data ownership and consent. However, AirGradient, a self-funded startup, is setting an example by focusing on sustainability and honesty. They encourage customers to ask important questions about data ownership, repairability, and data sharing when considering air quality monitors. By prioritizing transparency and accessibility, AirGradient aims to create a positive impact in the industry.

The legal industry is experiencing a shift towards remote work, with a significant percentage of employees working remotely at least two days a week. This trend is leading law firms to renew their leases for smaller office spaces, potentially impacting the value of office buildings. A study predicts a 60% decrease in value by 2029 if remote work patterns continue. However, some law firms still prioritize in-person work for recruitment and retention purposes. This shift towards remote work highlights the need for adaptable workspaces and innovative solutions to support the changing needs of the legal industry.

A systematic review on antibiotic use in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) reveals the varying impacts on the gut microbiome and resistance genes in infants. The duration of administration and antibiotic class play a role in the effects on microbiome diversity and composition. Additionally, antibiotic use leads to an expansion of antibiotic resistance genes, even with short exposures. This review emphasizes the need for further research to understand the functional impacts of antibiotic-induced changes in the microbiome and the long-term risks of infection with antibiotic-resistant pathogens. Harmonized research initiatives are necessary to inform antibiotic prescribing practices and health policies.

The IIF’s DataTalk session in June focused on AI governance, ethical AI, and its interaction with third-party providers. The discussion highlighted the challenges in model building, the significance of quality data, and the role of regulatory and legal frameworks in AI innovation and adoption. The next DataTalk session in July will explore Open Data, expanding Open Banking’s scope, and its impact on consumers. These discussions contribute to a better understanding of the implications and opportunities of data-driven technologies.

BigPanda, a leader in Incident Intelligence and Automation, has been recognized as a Strong Performer in Process-Centric AI for IT Operations. The platform’s technology-agnostic solution automates operational workflows across various technologies, providing unified visibility, automation capabilities, scalability, and analytics. BigPanda’s commitment to customer outcomes and ease-of-use is reflected in its recognition. The platform’s seamless integration with diverse systems and workflows enhances productivity, reduces response times, and provides valuable insights.

The trend of switching from cash payments to mobile payments in parking is providing valuable information for the management of parking facilities and policy implementation. Mobile payments now account for two-thirds of all parking payments, surpassing cash payments. The convenience of apps and a good payment infrastructure contribute to the success of mobile payments in parking. The use of parking data for policies can be highly automated, providing operators with insights to optimize their policies.

Missouri’s unique geology, with thousands of caves and sinkholes, provides valuable insights into evolutionary processes, prehistoric life, and groundwater quality. However, these caves and sinkholes are vulnerable environments and are protected by laws and regulations. Studying Missouri’s geology allows scientists to understand the past and protect valuable resources like groundwater.

Databricks' acquisition of MosaicML aims to enhance its generative AI offerings by incorporating MosaicML’s models, training, and inference capabilities into its lakehouse platform. This acquisition will further empower enterprises with control over large language models (LLMs) used in developing new applications. The deal includes the retention of MosaicML’s team and their continued work on developing foundation models.

Snowflake’s Native App Framework allows developers to build and test Snowflake Native Apps directly within a customer’s Snowflake account. This eliminates the need to move or expose data, ensuring data security and privacy. Over 25 new Snowflake Native Apps are now available on the Snowflake Marketplace, providing organizations with building blocks for faster development, easier deployment, and more effective operation. Customers can easily discover and install these apps, enhancing their data-driven capabilities.

Global Genes' Week in RARE brings together rare disease advocates to build relationships and find ways to improve the lives of those with rare diseases. The RARE Health Equity Forum focuses on serving marginalized populations, while the RARE Advocacy Summit provides insights into rare disease innovations and advocacy strategies. The Week in RARE aims to provide attendees with actionable steps to drive progress for themselves and their communities.

In conclusion, open data, transparency, and accessibility are driving positive changes in various sectors. From the expansion of data exchanges to the focus on sustainability in air quality monitoring, these initiatives contribute to evidence-based decision-making and innovation. The shift towards remote work in the legal industry highlights the need for adaptable workspaces and solutions. Research on antibiotic use in LMICs emphasizes the importance of informed prescribing practices and health policies. Discussions on AI governance and ethical AI foster a better understanding of the implications and opportunities of data-driven technologies. Recognitions of innovative platforms like BigPanda and Snowflake showcase the advancements in analytics and data management. Overall, the use of data, information, and knowledge is shaping a more transparent, accessible, and collaborative future.

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