Death and fire in Myanmar hidden war

The number of fires in Myanmar has risen sharply in the last five months, according to a new report by the BBC s investigation into human rights agency Sky News, the largest ever reported since the coup started by military forces, and the biggest increase since February 2021, it has been revealed. Why is the number growing? But What is it likely to be linked to the deadly war? The BBC looks at the scale of what happened when the country was forced to seize control of the civilians and why they are being used as weapons of war - and what is happening in this hidden conflict which has killed more than 6,000 people across the kontri until the end of 2022? They are highly probably to have been launched as part of their offensive against opposition groups and how the government is struggling to control areas of its population, with increasing numbers of people who have died during the war, as well as how it is affected by its political crisis? And how does it actually began to take place, to find out by BBC News Monitoring, BBC Panorama has learned, but what could be the worst spike in recent years?

Published on 2023-07-19