Updates on Knowledge Partnerships, Privacy Risks, Deadly Force Reporting, Disease Outbreak Regulations, and Samsung's Latest Flagship Smartphones

Published: 2023-08-11

In today’s news, we have some interesting updates on the world of open data, information, and collaboration. Let’s dive right in!

First up, the Indian School of Business' Bharti Institute of Public Policy has signed a memorandum of understanding with the Goa government to establish a knowledge partnership. This partnership aims to improve social and economic indicators through evidence-based policy formulation. The Bharti Institute will work closely with the government to conduct workshops and capacity-building initiatives, with a focus on citizen-centric governance. Additionally, they will collaborate with the Goa Institute of Public Administration and Rural Development to provide training for state officials. This partnership also includes the development of the Goa Open Data Portal, which will enhance transparency and access to information.

Moving on, researchers at U.C. Berkeley have uncovered a concerning privacy risk associated with augmented and virtual reality platforms. Their studies have revealed that users unknowingly share personal information through their motion data, such as head and hand movements. This information can be used to identify users and infer characteristics like age and disability status. This highlights the need for defensive technologies to protect users' privacy in these virtual environments.

In the realm of law enforcement, it has been found that accurate reporting on deadly force deployments in the US is not mandatory. The private sector has taken on the task of tracking killings by police officers, as the Department of Justice has shown disinterest in obtaining accurate statistics. Shockingly, the number of people who died during encounters with police in 2022 was the highest ever recorded. The data also reveals that officers involved in citizen deaths rarely face charges or convictions. Efforts to reform the police have not addressed the root of the problem – the entrenched law enforcement culture.

Shifting gears, the World Health Organization (WHO) has announced progress in updating disease outbreak regulations. Governments have agreed on a way forward to improve the International Health Regulations and draft a pandemic accord. These efforts emphasize equity in access to health, collaboration, and capacity building. The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the need for strong international health regulations and improvements in the current framework. The WHO working group will continue discussions, while governments will negotiate the drafting of a WHO instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response.

Lastly, for all the tech enthusiasts out there, Filipinos can now pre-order Samsung’s latest flagship smartphones, the Galaxy Z Flip5 and the Galaxy Z Fold5, through Smart Postpaid. These smartphones offer powerful features and immersive experiences. The Z Flip5 is perfect for trendsetters and social expressers, while the Z Fold5 is ideal for trailblazers and life maximizers. Pre-orders come with exclusive discounts and perks, including a free storage upgrade and Samsung Care+ subscription.

That wraps up today’s news digest on open data, information, and collaboration. Stay informed and keep exploring the world of knowledge and statistics. Remember, transparency and access to information are crucial for building a better future for ourselves and future generations.


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