The Devastating Toll of War on Russian Draftees: Open Data Reveals Shocking Statistics

Published: 2023-09-22

A new report has shed light on the devastating toll that war has taken on Russian draftees. Using open source data, the report revealed that the average lifespan of these soldiers in the war was just four and a half months. This sobering statistic highlights the harsh reality faced by those who are called to serve their country.

The report also uncovered that more than half of the draftees who lost their lives were between the ages of 30 and 45. This raises questions about the impact of the war on families and communities, as these individuals are often in the prime of their lives, leaving behind loved ones and potentially young children.

Furthermore, the report suggests that the actual number of casualties could be even higher than what has been reported. This highlights the importance of open data in providing a transparent and accurate picture of the true cost of war. By making this information accessible to the public, we can better understand the impact of conflicts and work towards preventing future loss of life.

In addition to the human cost, the report also highlighted the varying intensity of the fighting over different months and the delay in giving vacation breaks to troops. These insights into the operational aspects of the war can help inform decision-making and improve the welfare of soldiers on the front lines.

Shifting gears to a different topic, data from the City of Vancouver’s open data portal has revealed the lengthy process of obtaining building permits in the city. It takes nearly a year to obtain a permit for a duplex home, with other housing types also facing long wait times. This delay has raised concerns among builders and has the potential to hinder the implementation of new zoning policies.

The city’s Permitting Improvement Program, aimed at streamlining the process, has not made significant improvements according to builders. Obstacles such as the landscape review process, asbestos removal process, and recycling of structures contribute to these delays. It is crucial for the city to address these challenges and ensure that the permitting process is efficient and accessible to all.

On a more positive note, Ordnance Survey has released data on the UK’s 100 biggest parks as part of its OS Open Greenspace Data. This information comes just in time for National #GetOutsideDay on September 24. The data highlights the numerous benefits of spending time in green spaces, including reducing stress and boosting mental clarity.

To further assist people in finding the best parks near them, The Mirror has created a tool that utilizes this data. This tool allows individuals to easily locate and explore the parks in their area, encouraging them to take advantage of these natural spaces.

In conclusion, open data plays a vital role in providing information, facts, and statistics that are crucial for understanding and addressing various issues. From the devastating toll of war to the challenges faced in obtaining building permits, open data helps shed light on these important matters. By making this data accessible and transparent, we can work towards creating a better world for future generations.

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