Challenges for Builders, Innovative Navigation, and Growing Data Centers: Today's Updates

Published: 2023-09-23

In today’s news, we bring you updates on various topics related to open data, information, and knowledge. From the challenges faced by builders in Vancouver to the innovative navigation tools in Nepal, and the growing data center market in Nigeria, there is much to explore.

Starting off in Vancouver, the process of obtaining building permits has become a lengthy affair. According to data from the City of Vancouver’s open data portal, it takes nearly a year to obtain a permit for a duplex home. This delay is hindering the implementation of new zoning policies, such as Vancouver’s “missing middle” housing motion. Builders are facing obstacles like the landscape review process, asbestos removal process, and the recycling of structures to be demolished. Efforts to simplify and speed up the permitting process are underway, but there is still work to be done to ensure a smoother experience for builders.

Moving on to Nepal, the need for better navigation tools led to the introduction of OpenStreetMap by Nama Raj Budhathoki, founder of Kathmandu Living Labs. These tools have been instrumental in disaster response efforts after the 2015 earthquake. Civic-tech companies like Baato Maps and Galli Maps have developed navigation applications tailored to the unique challenges of navigation in Nepal. Inconsistent street names and poorly assigned house numbers are common issues that these apps address. Furthermore, these navigation tools have the potential to enhance the tourism sector by including major trekking routes. The future of navigation in Nepal is location-based, promising a more efficient and reliable experience for locals and tourists alike.

Shifting our focus to the global data center market, it is projected to reach a valuation of $517.17 billion by 2030. Nigeria’s domestic data center market is growing even faster, with an estimated CAGR of 23.24%. To capitalize on this boom, the Fourth Edition of the Telecoms Sector Sustainability Forum (TSSF) will be held in Lagos on October 5th, 2023. The forum aims to bring together data center operators, regulators, industry players, and stakeholders to discuss the role of data centers in Nigeria’s digital economy. This event presents an opportunity to explore the potential of data centers in driving economic growth and innovation in the country.

Shifting gears, let’s talk about the wealth of knowledge available at Harvard University. The institution is home to various blogs covering a wide range of topics, including technology, entrepreneurship, social psychology, anthropology, art, law, economics, religion, and more. These blogs provide valuable insights and updates in their respective fields, offering readers a chance to stay informed and engaged. Each blog has its own creation and last updated dates, indicating the frequency of updates. Whether you’re interested in the latest advancements in technology or exploring the depths of human behavior, the Harvard blogs have something for everyone.

Finally, we turn our attention to the issue of children’s addiction to social media. A sitting judge of the Karnataka High Court in India has suggested the need for an age limit on social media platforms. This comment was made during a hearing involving Twitter. China has also proposed guidelines to limit social media time for minors, and several US states have introduced bills to make the internet safer for children. While India does not have a dedicated law to protect children online, there are fragmented initiatives in place. The author suggests that a combination of approaches, including parental involvement and obligations on intermediaries, may be more effective than a paternalistic approach.

In conclusion, today’s news highlights the challenges faced by builders in Vancouver, the innovative navigation tools in Nepal, the growing data center market in Nigeria, the wealth of knowledge available at Harvard University, and the need to address children’s addiction to social media. These stories underscore the importance of open data, transparency, and accessibility in shaping our world and creating a better future for generations to come.

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