Irish Moonquakers Win NASA's Dublin Space Apps Competition with 3D Moonquake Map

Published: 2023-10-24

An Irish team called the Irish Moonquakers has won the top prize at NASA’s 2023 Dublin Space Apps competition. They designed a 3D map that can predict earthquakes on the moon using seismic activity data from NASA’s Apollo missions. The team also developed their own seismograph to identify and classify future seismic movements. Mapping the moon’s seismic activity is crucial for NASA and other space agencies, especially for the planned Artemis missions. The team will now have the opportunity to compete in the global award stage of the Space Apps challenge.

The University of Waterloo in Canada is collaborating with government agencies to explore the use of synthetic data for research and analysis. Synthetic data is artificially generated information that mimics real data without containing any sensitive or personally identifiable information. The collaboration aims to address the sensitive information held by government agencies while preserving privacy and enabling data sharing and analysis. The use of synthetic data has potential applications in enhancing pandemic response, assessing border crossing patterns, and evaluating health policy impacts. The collaboration is conducting a feasibility study and working towards establishing national standards for synthetic data sharing in Canada.

The UAE is making significant progress in achieving its goal of net-zero emissions by 2050, with a focus on transitioning to a circular economy. The country has established a Circular Economy Committee to promote investments in circularity and accelerate the adoption of circular economy practices. At GITEX GLOBAL 2023, experts discussed the role of digital technologies in transforming public services, emphasizing the benefits of Open Data policies. Quantum computing was also highlighted as a transformative technology that can address major challenges in various industries. The event showcased the Family Hub Refrigerator, which offers smart connectivity and enhances the experience for UAE families.

Castillo Copper Limited has classified its NWQ Copper Project in Mount Isa’s copper-belt as a core asset. The company plans to deepen its understanding of the 20+ prospects in the area and engage with potential strategic partners. The geology team recently conducted field trips to the Boomerang and Josephine Prospects, where rock chip samples returned anomalous surface readings of up to 0.46% Cu. The NWQ Copper Project is located in the Mt Isa Inlier and is part of Castillo Copper’s strategic transformation into a mid-tier copper group.

The Dominican Republic has passed a $60 million loan from the Interamerican Development Bank (IDB) to improve transparency in government. The loan aims to promote actions that consolidate transparency and traceability in resource management, strengthen internal control, and promote access to information and citizen participation. It will also modernize the electronic contracting system and strengthen the Single Transparency Portal. The loan will finance the modernization of the Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic and implement an interest conflict management system. Former Vice President Milagros Ortiz Bosch defended the ruling party’s decision to allow candidates with corruption allegations to run for office.

GeoComm and RapidSOS have partnered to offer a Floor Estimator feature powered by GeoComm Vertical Location Services. This feature allows RapidSOS customers to convert raw z-axis position measurements into a dispatchable location for 9-1-1 calls from Android-based devices. The service provides critical data that reduces emergency response times and improves public safety. GeoComm Vertical Location Services uses open-source data for elevation and building details to estimate a caller’s vertical location. This partnership empowers emergency call centers to efficiently identify and navigate to 9-1-1 caller’s locations inside multistory buildings, saving lives and property.

These news summaries highlight the power and potential of open data in various fields. From predicting moonquakes to improving government transparency, open data is driving innovation and progress. The Irish Moonquakers' 3D map demonstrates how data from NASA’s Apollo missions can be used to predict seismic activity on the moon, providing valuable information for future space missions. In Canada, the use of synthetic data is enabling research and analysis while protecting sensitive information. This collaboration between the University of Waterloo and government agencies has the potential to enhance pandemic response and evaluate health policy impacts.

In the UAE, open data policies are being embraced to accelerate the transition to a circular economy and promote investments in circularity. Digital technologies and quantum computing are also being recognized as transformative tools that can address major challenges in various industries. The NWQ Copper Project in Australia is leveraging data and geological expertise to identify potential prospects and engage with strategic partners. And in the Dominican Republic, a loan from the Interamerican Development Bank is being used to improve transparency in government and strengthen internal control systems.

Finally, the partnership between GeoComm and RapidSOS is using open-source data to improve emergency response times and public safety. By converting raw z-axis position measurements into dispatchable locations, emergency call centers can efficiently navigate multistory buildings and save lives. These examples demonstrate the power of open data in driving innovation, improving transparency, and enhancing public services. As open data continues to be accessible and utilized, the possibilities for positive change are endless.

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