Unlocking the Power of Open Data: Creating Open Databases of Australian Law

Published: 2023-10-29

In today’s fast-paced world, access to data and information is more important than ever. It allows us to make informed decisions, understand trends, and drive positive change. That’s why the recent efforts to create open databases of Australian law are so significant.

One author, while training a language model, discovered a lack of open databases of Australian law. Determined to fill this gap, they embarked on a challenging journey. Obtaining permission to scrape data proved to be a hurdle, requiring negotiations with various sources. Some databases had public APIs, while others required reverse engineering. Converting the documents to a standardized format was no easy task either.

Undeterred, the author utilized various Python libraries to extract text from HTML, RTFs, DOCXs, and PDFs. Their hard work paid off, resulting in the collection of over 100k texts. They named it the Open Australian Legal Corpus and made it available to others by creating a GitHub repository. This not only encourages collaboration but also ensures the database’s continual growth.

The creation of open databases of Australian law is a significant step towards transparency and accessibility. It empowers individuals to access and analyze legal information, leading to a better understanding of our legal system. This knowledge is crucial for citizens to exercise their rights and make informed decisions.

But the impact of open data goes beyond the legal realm. It has the potential to revolutionize various sectors, from healthcare to education, by providing access to valuable statistics, records, and datasets. With this information at our fingertips, we can drive innovation, identify trends, and make evidence-based decisions.

As middle-aged women who have raised children, we understand the importance of leaving a better world for future generations. Open data plays a vital role in achieving this goal. It allows us to uncover facts, gain knowledge, and make informed choices that will shape a brighter future.

So let’s celebrate the efforts to create open databases of Australian law and continue to advocate for transparency and accessibility in all areas. Together, we can harness the power of open data to create a more informed and equitable society.


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