How Data is Driving Positive Change Around the World

Published: 2023-11-09

Data is really important in today’s world. It helps us make progress and improve things. OpenAI, the creator of ChatGPT, is working to make language models better. They want to use more human-like data to improve their AI models. This will lead to more advanced AI technology.

In Africa, cities like Alexandria, Kumasi, and Maputo are using data to make better urban transport systems. This helps them plan for the future and make transportation fair for everyone.

Brussels is seeing more people riding bikes. The city has made improvements to biking infrastructure, and now more people choose to bike. This shows how useful data can be for sustainable transportation.

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is using geospatial data to monitor land and water. They use remote sensing to help with sustainable development. This shows how important data is for positive change.

Hawaii has a new chief data officer named Rebecca Cai. She wants to use data to make things better for the people of Hawaii. Her goal is to be transparent and make sure people are happy with how data is used.

New York’s economy is doing well, but some people still need help. The state is using data to provide support to those who need it. They want to be open and provide help based on data.

The ocean is really important for the environment. We need to understand and protect it. Studies show that plastic litter and climate change are affecting the ocean. Initiatives like the One Ocean Expedition want to teach people about the ocean and why it’s important to take care of it.

EuroGeographics thinks that national data is important for sustainable development. They use geospatial data to monitor progress and find areas that need help. The Open Maps For Europe 2 project is creating a dataset for multiple countries, following the recommendations of the UN-GGIM: Europe.

In conclusion, open data is helping us in many ways. It allows us to make better decisions and create a better world for the future. By using data, we can make things fair, accessible, and successful for everyone.

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