Portland Police Bureau Launches Public Dashboard for Small Drone Use

Published: 2023-11-10

The Portland Police Bureau has made a big step towards being more open by creating a public dashboard with detailed information about how they use small drones. The dashboard lets people filter the information they want to see. The data shows that drones are mostly used in emergencies, like getting information from a safe distance and helping during disasters. They also use them to execute search warrants, train, and document crash scenes.

The dashboard is updated every month and gives information about when and where the drones were used and why. This is meant to make things safer for both the police and the community and to cause less trouble for the public. The drones the police use are ones you can buy and will have the City of Portland or Portland Police logo on them. It’s important to know that there are laws and rules about using drones, and the police have rules that say they can’t use them to spy on people, discriminate, use them for personal reasons, or put weapons on them.

In other news, OpenAI, the company that made ChatGPT, is looking for partners to help them get more data to train their AI. They want to get data that shows what people mean in different languages, topics, and formats so that the AI can have more natural conversations. OpenAI is also getting private data to train their own AI models. This partnership will help OpenAI’s ChatGPT business and make personalized AI apps.

Meanwhile, in New York, the state’s economy is doing well even though prices are going up in America. The New York State Department of Temporary and Disability Assistance gives reports every month about how much money the state spends on benefits. In August 2023, over 4 million people in New York got benefits from the government and over $1.2 billion was spent on those benefits. The most people getting help in New York City were using Temporary Assistance, with over 480,000 people getting it. The number of people using Temporary Assistance and SNAP has been going up, which shows how important these programs are for helping people who need it.

China is also doing a lot with open data. They are doing research to make a way to price public data so that it can be used and shared better. The goal is to make the most of the big amount of data they have and make it easier to use. Experts think that the price of data is connected to how people use it and the technology they use, like AI and blockchain. They think that China will make a lot of money from their data in the future.

These things happening with open data and being more open show how important it is to have information that people can get to and use to make decisions and come up with new ideas. As more groups and governments start using open data, we will see more progress in different areas, like law enforcement and healthcare. Having good and complete data is really important for making a better future for our kids and making a fair and open society.


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