Embracing Opportunities and Mitigating Risks: The Power of Open Data

Published: 2023-11-17

Expanding Opportunities and Knowledge through Open Data

In today’s changing world, businesses should embrace opportunities and understand geopolitical risks to succeed globally. Experts say it’s important to know how factors like the U.S.-China relationship can affect supply chains and operations. To stay ahead, companies should educate employees about geopolitics and potential risks to intellectual property.

To prepare for the 2024 U.S. presidential election, experts suggest businesses look for candidates with substance, real-world experience, and the ability to bring people together. By aligning with leaders who prioritize knowledge and collaboration, businesses can navigate the global landscape better.

Open Access Data Centres (OADC) is expanding its data centre infrastructure in South Africa. Phase one is almost full, and phase two will launch in early 2024. The company aims to provide 1.2 megawatts of IT load this year. This expansion is possible because subsea internet cables are landing in South Africa, creating growth opportunities. OADC, established in 2018, offers open access data centre infrastructure across Africa, promoting transparency and accessibility.

In technology, Cloudera and NVIDIA are working together to improve data engineering, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. This collaboration speeds up AI and machine learning using NVIDIA GPUs in Cloudera’s cloud and on-premises solutions. It also integrates NVIDIA’s GPUs with Cloudera’s data platform, making insights faster and AI workloads more efficient. This partnership helps customers use GPUs throughout the AI lifecycle, fostering innovation and advancing analytics.

As businesses adapt, open data becomes more important. Open data initiatives promote transparency and accessibility, helping companies make informed decisions. By using open data, businesses gain valuable insights, navigate risks, expand, and innovate.

In conclusion, businesses should embrace opportunities and understand geopolitical risks to succeed globally. Open data initiatives like OADC’s expansion and the Cloudera-NVIDIA collaboration provide tools and knowledge for informed decisions and innovation. By using open data, companies create a transparent and accessible world for a better future.


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