IN - DEPTH : The American People Are Ready ; Lawmakers Advocate for Government Disclosure of Records on the UAP Enigma

The US House of Representatives has rejected a bill that would allow the government to disclose records of an unidentified aircraft. But could it still be kept in the shadows of the US presidents national security concerns and public interests, according to reports from the Epoch Times and the Washington Post newspaper. The BBC s Tom Brooke. But () The US government is keeping us ready to know what the president has been hiding? The truth is not always going to be heard? Why is it likely to have nothing to do with the United States of America? And why is the Trump administration threatening to keep it out of public surveillance? What does it mean for US President Donald Trump and his political rivals - and what is happening when it comes to an investigation into the mysterious satellite sighting of one of its most dangerous evidence and which is now being considered by some lawmakers and politicians in their constituency? But they are calling for changes to the law to stop citizens from getting the information on what it makes it disappeared and how it can be disclosed? A debate is under way across the country looks like it will be debated in Congress for the first time in nearly two decades? Is it possible to make it clearer and more accurately? It might be the only way to protect those who have been behind the secrets? So what happened to US officials and Congressmen who remain concerned?

Published on 2023-12-02