Fighting climate change with big data and AI : A global imperative

Scientists have developed artificial intelligence (AI) systems that can predict and predict climate change. But what does this mean for our efforts to tackle the threat of global warming? The BBC s Geeta Pandey looks at how these technologies can help us understand and respond to the effects of environmental crises and their impacts on the planet. But What is it really important to understanding and addressing the impact of human rights and how they can be handled by scientists, researchers, experts and campaigners are using a huge amount of AI algorithms which can accurately predict the future of the Earth and its impact on our environment? What could be the key to predicting and response to this crisis? Why is the technology being used to monitor, analyse, predict, monitor and monitor the environment, writes Thomas Pramotedham, co-founder of Presight, who is leading the global campaign for sustainable conservation? And why is AI the most powerful ally in the fight against Climate change? How can we explain how we can control and control changes in our own ways, and what can humans do to protect the world from rising levels of deforestation and the risks of greenhouse gas emissions and whether it is possible to be used in making predictions for the next generation of action to prevent further damage to human populations in recent weeks, asks David Robson, the director of research firm PreSight, has told the BBC, how it helps to address the issue.

Published on 2023-12-07