Toronto Group Discovers Illegal Short-Term Rental: The Power of Open Data

Published: 2023-12-19

Toronto Group Finds Illegal Short-Term Rental

A group in Toronto’s Kensington Market discovered an illegal short-term rental. They booked a suite for a night and gave evidence to city staff. Now, the city is investigating.

The suite was listed on and caused problems for residents dealing with the housing crisis and evictions. The group thinks city officials should monitor these listings themselves, instead of relying on citizens.

This incident shows how important it is to have open data and transparency. When people can access and share information, they can hold authorities accountable and protect their neighborhoods.

Open data means making certain information available to the public. It promotes transparency and accountability. In this case, the group got evidence from to show the illegal short-term rental.

Open data isn’t just for citizens. Organizations like the International Air Transport Association (IATA) use data to improve their operations and serve customers better.

IATA is working with the oneworld airline alliance to make CO2 emission calculations more accurate. All 13 oneworld airlines, like Alaska Airlines and British Airways, will give data to IATA’s CO2 Connect emissions calculator.

This partnership will improve the tool by using more airline-specific data. The goal is to help travelers make choices that reduce their carbon footprint.

IATA’s CO2 Connect program is a good example of how open data can bring positive change. Airlines can understand their environmental impact and take steps to reduce it.

Open data isn’t just about giving information. It’s about making it accessible and useful. In the case of the illegal short-term rental, the group’s actions made the city investigate. This shows how open data can empower citizens to solve community issues.

As open data becomes more popular, it’s important for governments, organizations, and people to embrace its potential. By sharing information and being transparent, we can make a better world for future generations.

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