Study : Adding pets may slow type of cognitive decline of people older than 50 and living alone

People who live alone may be able to slow down their brain age, according to a study published by the University of Guangzhou, China, US scientists have warned. Why is it possible to stop the decline in cognitive disabilities and dementia, writes the BBC s Geeta Pandey, who has been among the experts. () How could it help stop otak damage? Should you leave someone without assistance, asks Dr. Richard Isaacson, the author of the New York Times, and explains what it means for those who are older than 50 years old to spend more than two decades taking part in an investigation into the effects of living with dogs and cat owners? What does it affect the brain and how they can be affected by having cognitive declines? And why is being advised to adopt another pet to reduce the risk of depression and depression, or even losing the chance of dying from developing degenerative diseases such as depression or depression - and what is the impact on the mental health of people who have become aware of it? The BBC looks at what happens when it comes to the animal abuse and mental disorders? A study suggests it is not linked to it, but it may also be possible for them to take advantage of this advice. But what makes it harder to be done to tackle the loss of cerebral ability to find words and understand others, as well as finding words or phrases and language problems?

Published on 2023-12-29