Migration in Iran: Rich Iranians Moving West, Poor Iranians Heading East

Published: 2024-01-08

Migration in Iran can be divided into two groups. Some rich people are moving to Western countries like the US, Australia, Canada, Germany, and the UK for better jobs and higher pay. Meanwhile, poor Iranians, including workers, are also migrating due to bad economic conditions and political instability. They are now going to places like the UAE, Qatar, Kuwait, Oman, and Turkey.

People in Iran are leaving because they don’t get paid enough and want better opportunities. The government is worried about young people wanting to leave. Even though they try to stop skilled students and healthcare workers from leaving, it keeps happening because of low salaries and the political situation. This migration is seen as a big problem caused by money and politics.

In other news, Tamil Nadu recently had a big meeting for investors. They signed agreements worth ₹57,354 crore. There were investments in different areas, like VinFast planning to build an electric car factory, Tata Electronics, and JSW Group. The state also made a plan called the ‘Tamil Nadu Semiconductor and Advanced Electronics Policy 2024’ and is working with Singapore to make India’s first Net-Zero Industrial Park. Also, Reliance wants to open a data center in Chennai, Maersk wants to invest in land development, and Qualcomm is expanding in Chennai.

These investments show that Tamil Nadu wants to become a $1 trillion economy by 2030. The semiconductor plan and focus on advanced electronics show that Tamil Nadu wants to use new technology and be innovative. Working with Singapore also shows that they care about the environment.

Overall, these things happening in Iran and Tamil Nadu show how important data and information are for understanding and dealing with social, economic, and political issues. Companies and governments use data to understand migration, find the reasons behind it, and make good policies. Data is also important for attracting investments, growing the economy, and achieving sustainable development goals. In the future, we need to make sure we have good data so we can make good decisions and have a better future for everyone.


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