iTWire - The evolving threat landscape : Why your enterprise needs comprehensive security solutions

The BBC s weekly The Boss series profiles different business leaders from around the world. This week we speak to a leading expert in cyber security. Here we look at the challenges facing cyber threats and why they are increasingly common in the digital landscape, and how businesses are prepared to tackle their security posture. Welcome to the BBC. (). The chief executive of Adobe Systems, David Robson, who looks at how cyber-security is being treated in an effort to improve security, explains the impact of cyberattacks on business stability and public safety, as well as the risks posed by attacks by artificial intelligence (AI) has been revealed by the industry. In our series of key topics, we asked us about how security is affecting companies and the way the security industry is responding to cyber attack trends and what could be expected to be done to protect themselves from cybercrime, security and cybersecurity experts in developing innovative solutions for the firms to develop strategies to combat these dangerous technologies, writes Chris Stoke-on-Trent - and asks how to take action to prevent them from spreading further sophisticated security systems across the global globe. A brief assessment of the future of Cyber Security and Security Advisory Committee (CBI) on how the company is preparing its strategy for getting adequate advice on security needs and its impact on the business and security sectors, in order to understand the dangers that appear to have changed.

Published on 2024-01-09