Girls Outperform Boys in School: Addressing the Gender Gap in STEM Fields

Published: 2024-01-13

A new study by Cambridge University Press & Assessment found that girls do better in school than boys. This is true from when they start school all the way through college. More girls get top grades in college. However, boys are better at math and often choose science, classical subjects, technology, and business courses.

The study looked at data from schools in the UK. It showed that there aren’t enough girls in STEM fields, like science, technology, engineering, and math.

To make things fair, we need to understand why girls aren’t choosing STEM subjects. We can do this by looking at what’s already being done and trying new ideas.

It’s important to have clear and easy-to-understand information about these differences. This helps people who make decisions about education and jobs. They can use this information to make things better.

In conclusion, the study from Cambridge University Press & Assessment shows that girls do well in school, but there are still problems in STEM fields. By treating everyone equally and sharing information, we can make things better for everyone.

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