Maximizing the Economic Benefits of Generative AI in New Zealand: Prioritizing Ethics, Transparency, and Open Data

Published: 2024-01-14

New Zealand could gain a lot of money by using generative AI. By 2035, it’s estimated that the country could add $54 billion to its economy with this technology. However, New Zealand currently ranks sixth in AI readiness because of difficulties in using, training, and researching AI.

To get the most out of generative AI, New Zealand needs to invest in these areas and build up knowledge and expertise. This will help the country take advantage of the economic benefits of AI.

One big problem New Zealand faces is trust. Only 43% of New Zealanders trust companies to protect their personal information, and 63% feel nervous about products and services that use AI. It’s understandable to be worried about personal data being misused.

To solve these problems, New Zealand needs to focus on ethics and transparency when it comes to AI. Making sure that AI development is based on ethics and that companies are open about how they use data will help build trust among the public.

It’s also important for New Zealand to have a national AI plan. This plan will give the country a roadmap for using AI in a responsible and beneficial way.

Open data is a big part of this process. By making data available to the public, New Zealand can promote transparency and collaboration. Open data allows for more scrutiny and accountability, making sure that AI is used in the best way for society.

The New Zealand government has an Open Data Programme that makes government data available for public use. This program promotes transparency and lets people access and analyze data to learn more and keep organizations accountable.

Consumers should understand the importance of open data and how it affects AI. Open data makes things more transparent and accountable, reducing the risk of false claims or unethical practices. By supporting companies that are transparent and informed about open data, consumers can help create a responsible and trustworthy AI system.

What people think about AI is really important. Negative opinions can make it hard to use AI and limit its benefits. But positive opinions can drive innovation and create opportunities for economic growth.

Examples can show how opinions are influenced. When companies prioritize ethics and transparency in their AI practices, they can gain trust and be more successful. But companies that don’t care about these things can face backlash and hurt their reputation.

In conclusion, New Zealand has the potential to gain a lot of money with generative AI. But to do that, the country needs to overcome challenges in using, training, and researching AI. Prioritizing ethics and transparency, making a national AI plan, and using open data are important steps towards a better future with AI.

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