Using Data to Stop Violence Against Women and Girls in North Trafford

Published: 2024-02-04

The Right to the Streets project, funded by the Home Office, has made progress in stopping violence against women and young girls in north Trafford. The project started in September 2022 by the charity Greater Manchester Moving. Its goal was to make the streets safer by dealing with violence and harassment against women.

To do this, the project organized 44 events during the summer. They had help from Trafford council and different partners to raise awareness and involve the local communities. The project’s focus on keeping women and girls safe in communities was talked about at a recent council meeting.

This project shows how using data and information can make a positive impact. They collected and studied statistics and records about violence against women. This helped them find areas that needed attention and make plans to fix the problem. Having this kind of information is important to understand how big the problem is and find good solutions.

Being open and easy to reach are important in fighting violence and harassment. The Right to the Streets project worked closely with the local communities. They let people share what they knew and their experiences. By involving the public, the project not only made people more aware but also gave them power to take action and make a difference.

Having open data is very important to make society safer and more inclusive. When important information is available, it helps organizations and individuals learn and come up with good ideas. In the case of the Right to the Streets project, open data helped the charity, council, and community partners work together.

The success of this project reminds us how important it is to deal with violence and harassment against women. It is a call for communities and policymakers to make the safety and well-being of women and girls a priority. By using data and knowledge, we can work towards making a society where everyone feels safe and protected.

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