Improving Job Prospects for Computer Science Graduates in Kenya: Practical Skills and Networking are Key

Published: 2024-02-07

Computer Science graduates in Kenya are having trouble finding jobs because they don’t have enough practical skills and knowledge outside of what they learn in school. To improve their chances of getting hired, graduates should network, join hackathons and boot camps, and get certified in industry courses. They should also find a specific area to focus on and create a portfolio to stand out in the job market. The decrease in people enrolling in Computer Science programs suggests that the curriculum needs to be updated to match what the industry needs.

In Pakistan, a group of over 300 organizations from around the world is asking the government to make sure that people have unrestricted access to the internet, social media, and other communication channels during the upcoming general election. The group says that the internet and social media are important for participatory governance, inclusiveness, transparency, and enjoying basic human rights. In the past, the government has shut down the internet, which is a problem. The group wants the government to follow laws that protect freedom of speech, assembly, and access to information. They also want telecommunications companies to provide open and secure access to the internet while respecting human rights.

There is a discussion about making scientific hardware more available to the public. The article says that if hardware that is paid for by the government is made open source by default, it would reduce duplication, increase collaboration, and make it easier for research to be reproduced. The author suggests that the government should expect researchers to make their hardware open source, unless they want to patent it. The article also recommends doing a study on the current state of government-funded scientific hardware and making a report to guide policy. Open science and making hardware more accessible are important for advancing knowledge and research.

These things show how important data, information, facts, knowledge, statistics, analytics, transparency, accessibility, and sharing are in today’s world. It’s important to have practical skills and learn more about things like data analytics and programming to get a job. Having access to the internet and social media is necessary for participatory governance and enjoying basic human rights. Making scientific hardware more accessible helps with collaboration and research. These are important issues that need attention and action to make sure our children have a better future.

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