Politicians cant lie no more - The Zimbabwe Independent

A new era of political engagement in Zimbabwe has been revealed by the BBC. The BBC s weekly The Boss series looks at how technology is playing a pivotal role in shaping the country and compelling politicians to be more truthful in the day-to-day activities, and how they can hold their accountable attitudes to the public. But How is technology really changing the democratic landscape and what is it like to become citizens and journalists, writes the editor of the New York Times, Jonathan Head, who explains what has happened in recent years, but what does it mean for those who are being asked for information and fact-checking tools to hold politician accountability? These are the key factors that have changed the way for the government to provide transparency and honesty, as well as how democracy can be used to tackle the dangers of public backlash and misleading claims against falsehoods or misinformation? This article describes how it is affecting the politics of our country, with the impact of social media on society and the future of politics in some areas of Africa. Here, we look at what happens in our leadership and politics - including how people could be able to express themselves and ask why millions of people are now armed with smartphones and internet connectivity to find out when it comes about the power of technology, in particular among the people who want to take part in an increasing amount of time and time to respond to criticism and critics.

Source: theindependent.co.zw
Published on 2024-03-10