Twelve core recommendations given to govt on fast - tracking digital economy development

Hong Kong s government has submitted a series of recommendations to strengthen the digital economy in three to five years, including strengthening data governance and increasing security and protection in the coming two years. These are among the 12 proposals released by the House of Commons for the 2019 Digital Economy Development Committee (CBI). The government says the government is But . (In which areas are set to be considered in an effort to promote shared use of 5G infrastructure to help the public and public sectors to open up more data and facilitate cross-boundary data flow within the city in four years - and it is likely to have significant improvements in their efforts to boost the cyber-security and security of the local society in two weeks. The committee has recommended that it needs to improve the security, scalability and convenience for businesses and the community to provide more information and support for its growing digital industry in more than two decades, as part of an ambitious strategy to attract and retain digital talent and attract hundreds of young people to develop new ways to tackle the coronavirus pandemic, writes the BBC Newsnight reports from the Chinese newspaper. Here is the full list of 12 key changes to the UK government. But what would it mean for an economic growth initiatives and how it can be developed in five separate steps towards the development of its digital powers, and what should be done to support the high-tech industries and help those who have been involved in digital development.

Published on 2024-04-12