Enhanced Portuguese Tourism Information System: A User-Friendly Tool for Smart Choices

Published: 2024-04-13

The Portuguese Geographical Information System for Tourism (SIGTUR) has been updated to make it easier to use. The platform now has a new look, better features, and is more user-friendly. It includes a map where users can find accommodations near tourist spots. SIGTUR also has tools to access data on accommodation, activities, and tourism planning.

Users can find lots of data on SIGTUR, search by region, check project updates and local housing info, and download data in different formats. The platform also gives insights on accommodations, supply and demand, projects, and industry trends.

SIGTUR is known for being open and shareable, making important data accessible to everyone. This helps users make smart choices, whether they are tourists or industry pros.

Platforms like SIGTUR are important for transparency and data-driven decisions in many fields. With its easy-to-use interface and lots of info, SIGTUR shows how open data can drive innovation in the tourism industry. Consumers should know about these practices to make informed choices and avoid false sustainability claims.

An example of open data in action is SIGTUR’s updated platform, which not only gives valuable info but also encourages collaboration and innovation in tourism. By understanding open data practices, consumers can make choices that match their values and needs.


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