Embracing Transparency: The Power of Sharing Data for a Better Future

Published: 2024-04-18

Open data means sharing information publicly to be transparent and accessible. Companies use open data to improve customer experiences and efficiency. For example, Brankas in Indonesia got licenses to access real-time payment info, helping customers and operations.

A recent seminar on Open Science Data Repository featured Dr. Erika Wagner from Blue Origin. This promotes open research opportunities in aerospace and biomedical engineering. The Digital Ireland Conference showed how Ireland is using AI and digital innovation for societal progress.

It’s important for consumers to know about open data to see its impact on society and the environment. Protecting cultural heritage in conflict zones like Gaza, Ukraine, and Syria needs open dialogue and collective action. The 2022 Declaration aims to safeguard civilians and cultural sites from explosive weapons' impact.

Public opinion is key in getting more companies to use open data. By being open, accessible, and transparent, companies can help build an inclusive and sustainable future. Consumers should know about these practices to make informed decisions and support positive change.


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