Africa : Restoring Trust - Confronting Corruption and Championing Integrity

The world s biggest anti-corruption conference is to take place in Lithuania on 18 June, according to a UN report released by the United Nations (UN) and the UN intelligence agency (UNHP). The summit is expected to be held in the coming days, but experts are warning that the world is facing the worst threats of corruption. But What is the impact of the global crisis and why is it really important to tackle these crises, and what does it mean for human society and how to combat their failures? The UN has called on the International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC) to focus on transparency, accountability, integrity and trust in governance - including the risks being raised by political interference in climate change, geopolitical conflicts and economic volatility. Why is there growing evidence that millions of people are now struggling to cope with the problem, writes the BBC Newsnight. The BBC looks at how it is likely to turn across the continent to find out how they have been affected and will be able to fight against rising levels of corruptity and inequalities among those who believe the country is at the centre of an increasing risk of corruption, as well as challenges to human development, in order to address the dangers that have reached global concerns about the future of power, power and powers in Europe and around the planet? Should we take action to prevent further disruption in our leadership, how we can we respond?

Published on 2024-06-17