Restoring Trust : Confronting Corruption and Championing Integrity

The International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC) is set to take place in Lithuania on 18 June, according to the UN s latest report on human rights. The UN says that corruption is criminal, immoral and the ultimate betrayal of public trust, and is a major threat to human development. What is the impact of the global crisis and why is it? () The BBC Newsnight looks at how the world is facing an increasing gap in transparency, integrity and accountability, as well as how to tackle climate change, geopolitical tensions, global economic turmoil and how political powers are being dealt with by weak governance? What does it mean for democracy? And how do we take action to prevent rising levels of corruptity? The chief executive of UN, Daniel Dickinson, has told the BBC, In the Glasshouse, Terra Viva - which explains what is happening in the UK, the US, Russia, China, France, Germany, Italy, Canada, Spain, Australia, Iran, Ukraine, India, Brazil, Mexico and Russia? and what could be the answer to these questions. Why is there an international anti-corruption conference taking place across the country? How would we be able to make their efforts to fight against further crises and whether it is possible to achieve justice in future, how can we respond to global concerns about the risks of financial collapse and economic decline? Here is what we will hear from those who believe they have been involved.

Published on 2024-06-17