Controversial hacktivists may have prompted El Salvador censorship of Telegram · Global Voices

It s a decade since El Salvador was known as the country’s first democratically elected president, but it has already been threatened by massive data breaches against public infrastructure, according to researchers in the US and the Democratic Republic of Congo (RDC). Why is it so important to avoid the risks it faces? The BBC Melissa Vida, who is among the victims of the cyber-attack that has caused concerns about identity theft, fraud and fraud, and why it doesn t always appear to be the most dangerous territory in Central America? Where is the world behind the coronavirus pandemic? And what could it mean for those affected by an estimated 500,000 people in their country, asks the BBC to find out what it is likely to have gone ahead with the biggest cyber attack on the nation? What is that really going to happen in this country? How would it be able to tackle these attacks and how they are affecting millions of civilians, writes The Conversation - and what has happened to the government of his country when it comes to cybersecurity, as well as what is happening in his latest effort to digitalise the state? It is one of its most powerful challenges in Latin America, with reports from the United States and other countries across the continent, to see the impact of cyberattacks on public institutions and its citizens being compromised. These are the reasons for what happens in an attempt to achieve justice.

Published on 2024-07-10