Open Data Initiatives: The Impact of OpenTelemetry, Kontinentalist, Digital Realty, and DW Akademie

Published: 2024-01-12

Open data is becoming more popular and is having a big impact in different areas. It means making data available to the public for free, so everyone can see it and use it. Companies and organizations are realizing how valuable open data is and are finding ways to use it.

One example of a company that supports open data is OpenTelemetry. This project is the second most active project in the Cloud Native Computing Foundation and is supported by big companies like AWS, Google, Microsoft, and Splunk. These companies understand the importance of making sure their infrastructure is ready for the future and not relying on products that might be stopped. OpenTelemetry is being used more and more, with companies like eBay and Canva switching to this open data solution. But there are still challenges in using OpenTelemetry on a large scale and getting the most out of it. To overcome these challenges, the community needs to focus on showing the benefits of OpenTelemetry and sharing success stories.

In Singapore, Kontinentalist is a publication and studio that uses data to create news stories. They want to make sure the news is not only focused on Europe and celebrates the diversity and beauty of Asian cultures. Kontinentalist has four themes for their stories: Asia Debunked, Future Asia, Asian Diversity, and Singapore Specials. They want their stories to be relevant for a long time and to add to important conversations. They also want their visualizations to show the good things about Asian communities and not reinforce stereotypes. Kontinentalist offers resources and workshops on data storytelling and is open to working with others. They are creating a platform for data storytelling and a community of data storytellers in Southeast Asia.

Digital Realty is the biggest provider of cloud and data center solutions worldwide. They have opened their first data center in India. This new facility in Chennai can support up to 100 megawatts of important IT work. The data center is meeting the growing need for data center services in India and is supporting new technologies like artificial intelligence. It also has good connections across the whole country.

In Latin America, Deutsche Welle (DW) Akademie is finding ways to have more people involved in public discussions about important topics. They have looked at four examples from Ecuador, Colombia, Bolivia, and Guatemala. These examples show how people can work together and use different ways of communicating to make sure everyone’s voice is heard. Being innovative is important for having these discussions, and the examples suggest things like working with new people, trying new technologies, and being good at innovating. The examples also give practical advice and lessons for other media outlets or organizations to try these ways of having discussions and being innovative.

These examples show how open data initiatives are being done. OpenTelemetry, Kontinentalist’s data storytelling platform, Digital Realty’s data center in India, and DW Akademie’s participatory dialogue efforts all help to have a more informed and connected world. By using data and making it easy to find, these initiatives help people and organizations make good decisions and make positive changes. But it is important for people to know about these initiatives and understand the possible problems and false claims. What people think about these initiatives is very important, so it is important to make sure they are honest and really helpful for society.

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