Enemy losses in the war - Russia has lost 3 thousand officers since the beginning of the full - scale invasion of Ukraine

The number of Russian soldiers killed in the last two weeks of war in Ukraine has reached a record high, according to researchers from the Ministry of Defence and Crimea (Moody s) for the first time since the start of the war. They are among those who died during the full-scale invasion in February. The BBC. But What is this really worth enough to explain the real losses of troops at the front has been revealed by the Russian government, the BBC has learned, but experts say the number is at least another increase than previously reported, as Russia continues to lose highly qualified personnel at its front, and they are now increasingly being deployed to fight against their forces in war-torn areas of Ukraine - including prisoners and civilians, who have been forced to be treated as military commanders, or volunteers. Almost 40,000 officers were murdered in last week. But what is it likely to have gone ahead with the deaths of more than half of them in recent months? Why is the total number actually higher than it is believed? The latest figures have shown that thousands are still missing in conflict between Russia and its neighbouring states across the country? And why is there nothing to do with fighting fighters on the battlefield because of an unprecedented decline in combat capability? What does this mean for them? BBC News reports.

Source: eng.obozrevatel.com
Published on 2024-01-26