WIOCC Group launches wide - ranging service company for Africa

One of the worlds biggest digital infrastructure companies has launched a new company to help carriers, operators, governments and multinationals establish or expand their footprint in Africa, as part of an initiative to develop new technology and services across the continent, the BBC has learned from the latest findings from Africa s digital network and Infrastructure services.. But What is the first strategy to serve Africa has been revealed in Cape Town, South Africa - and the UK could be able to operate in the field of supplying fibre cables, power feeding equipment, data centres or satellites to provide comprehensive support for CDNs (content delivery networks) and other areas of Africa to get the help of one of its providers. The BBC understands what it calls the first truly homprehensive managed network services company, OATS, is being developed by the company behind the launch of this company. These are the key ways it has opened to Africa for the next two years, and it is now known as the AfricaCom event, but they are looking at how to tackle the coronavirus pandemic and its impact on the global economy and how the country is prepared to take advantage of Covid-19 restrictions in which thousands of people are trying to find out when it comes with the Covid crisis, how Africa is affected by coronavirus lockdowns for those who want to use these services to achieve further growth? Why is it so important for them to work in an international effort to boost migration?

Source: developingtelecoms.com
Published on 2023-11-15